Thoughts and perspectives on trombone and music

Musical life keeping you busy…don’t forget to look around
If you happen to be a brass musician, December can feel like a gauntlet! There can be so many extra gigs this time of the

A Musical Ensemble is a family
This is a time of year that often focuses on family. If you play music in any ensemble, my experience is that whatever the group,

Sometimes we have to talk about things that make us feel uncomfortable, and nothing makes me feel worse than the idea of failure. In my

That title either intrigued you, or scared you away! But a life in performance is likely to have moments that encounter something we call competition.

Tale Teller video
The four of us gathered back in St. Louis to shoot some video. Tim and Gerry had retired and moved their separate ways, so it

Opening and Closing doors video
The opportunity to make this video fell into place last April, and we are very pleased to share this with folks now. Once Gerry and

What I learned at the Pokorny Seminar
I recently returned from my first Pokorny Seminar, of which there have been 15, over the years. It was held at the University of Northern

Fear- Performance Anxiety
The word itself creates a certain uneasiness, a topic that is best left for Halloween and Jamie Lee Curtis. Most of us would rather not

Why I do what I do
As our quartet releases its second recording in a matter of months, it poses the question of why. The reason for making a recording could